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Bell Laser Announces Launch of New Mahoney Brand Air Disinfection Device for Covid19
Seattle, Washington – March 16, 2020 – Bell Laser LLC announces the COVID-19 Air Disinfection device sold under the brand name Mahoney. The new Mahoney Air Disinfection device combines a powerful UV germicidal lamp that targets aerosolized novel coronavirus and also the water droplet form. The steel framed filtration device forms a protective shield for the powerful UV lamp while the incoming chamber and first filters are irradiated so that they disinfect the airborne COVID-19. The air disinfection device contains a complete HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter as well. The device is sized to circulate a room or office air twelve times per hour, meeting the same requirements as hospitals use for isolation rooms. The Mahoney Air Disinfection device is designed for maximum air protection for the individual consumer or office environment.
With more than ten years experience in the design and fabrication of fume extraction units, combined with ten years of fabrication of laser machines with ultraviolet technology, Bell Laser married the two technologies to develop a much more powerful air disinfection device than commonly seen in the broader filtration market today. This leveraged experience brings disinfection to a new level for consumer and office environments. The technology can augment other forms of disinfection to provide a safer, overall environment, by de-activating viruses and bacteria within an enclosed room or indoor space. Three size configurations are available that range for the small, medium, and large sized room or office.
Why the air filter, answered Rawley, “because COVID-19 infection is spread in droplet form by sneezing and breathing. Also, it is aerosolized and maintains a presence in the air for an extended period of time, arising from urine and feces, for example.” Further, Rawley said, “And, the majority of air filtration devices with UV germicidal lamps lack adequate lamp power to disinfect the air speedily. Our lamp is more than 20 times more powerful than the typical consumer UV lamp and its measured time to kill influenza is less than a quarter second. We provide a powerful new tool for air disinfection.”