L a s e r R e p a i r | U p g r a d e s | A c c e s s o r i e s

Most of the lasers that we repair are installed in laser engraving machines and laser cutting machines. These laser machines are manufactured by Epilog Laser, Universal Laser Systems, GCC Laserpro. Smaller manufacturers such as Xenetech, Trotec, Vytek and Kern Lasers are also included, as well as defunct companies including Laser Master. There are too many to name, but these are the most common.
Inside these laser machines are metal tube lasers, or RF lasers, are commonly repaired by Bell Laser. The lasers most commonly found are manufactured by Synrad and Coherent. We repair all CO2 lasers sold by these companies. There is a wide variety of other manufacturers that we repair as well. Importantly, large companies like Synrad and Coherent will discontinue support and repair services for older products. For example, for Synrad the 57 and 60 series lasers, and for Coherent the K series. For both these product lines, Bell Laser maintains an inventory of products and provides all repair services.
Many customers decide to upgrade rather than spend on a repair. The upgrade cost is typically offset by trading in the old laser. Upgrades to lasers can be searched on this site either by the laser engraver name or the RF laser model.